Saturday, June 3, 2023

A New Approach

    I have always wanted to be able to have a garden. I enjoy planting seeds, watching them grow and seeing them turn into flowers or vegetables. Actually, when I first attended college out of high school my major was biology, hoping to get into forestry. 
    This year I decided to give it another try. My grandson always wanted to grow sunflowers and we have had limited success growing them in the past. 
    Our first attempt went fairly well until the sunflowers grew just tall enough for the deer to take notice and eat the tops off of all the plants. We had prepared a bed of garden soil along the fence and watered them regularly. Unfortunately they were on the outside of the fence where the deer could get to them.
    The next attempt was much the same except this time they were inside the fence. We were able to grow a few flowers which made it to maturity. For some reason only a few grew and they weren't very healthy.
    This year we started our seeds in peat starter pots. In addition to the sunflowers we also started beans, peas and an assortment of flowers. They started quite well but again, nature stepped in. The squirrels decided that the seedlings were fun to dig up or chew off at the base. They didn't eat the seedlings. They just destroyed them. We were able to replant some of the ones they pulled out but in the end only a few made it. 

    As for the garden, this time we took a new approach. We constructed a raised bed garden, 8' X 4', in a fairly sunny part of the yard. 

We filled it with raised bed garden soil and constructed a 2 X 2 framed which we covered with netting. We transplanted the seedlings that had survived the squirrel assaults, and planted seeds to fill in the rest. We also planted plants from the store...two tomatoes and cucumbers.

    Another thing we're trying is going vertical. The peas and beans are being 'trained' to climb cords we have hanging from above. We are also attempting to have the cucumbers grow up a trellis. Whenever any cucumbers start to grow we plan on supporting them in nets hanging from the trellis. 

    So far the tomatoes are starting to flower, meaning I may actually get some edible tomatoes soon, and the peas and beans look healthy with some of the peas starting to climb the cords.

    The sunflowers are another story. We had started a second tray of just sunflowers and transplanted the seedlings into the garden. For some reason they didn't want to stand up and grew kind of curly at first. After about two weeks most of the plants managed to straighten up but there are still one or two hold outs. 

    We are about to add a watering system so that the plants will always have enough water. We're going to put it on a timer but hope to build a controller that will measure the moisture in the soil and water the plants accordingly.

    That's where we are the first week of June. We are guardedly optimistic. I don't trust the squirrels. I see them eyeing up the garden as they run around the yard.

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A New Approach

    I have always wanted to be able to have a garden. I enjoy planting seeds, watching them grow and seeing them turn into flowers or vegeta...